0005: OCW Video Resources

Table of Contents


Parse the course_embedded_media section of OCW parsed.json files. Search for Youtube videos within that section. If found, add the video as a resource, including the thumbnail image and transcript text.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Each Youtube video found for an OCW will be saved as a ContentFile resource in the database
  • The resource will include a thumbnail image and transcript text if found.
  • The OpenSearch index will include the resource along with the thumbnail and text.

Architecture Changes

The ContentFile model will need an additional nullable field, image_src, to store the value of the video thumbnail if it exists. The existing content attribute can be used to hold the transcript text. The current ETL process for OCW resources will need to be modified to process the course_embedded_media section:

  • Youtube videos in that section will have a title & id of “Video-YouTube-Stream”, with a media_location equal to the Youtube video id.
  • Once a Youtube video is identified, check for the existence of a Video object with the same video_id
  • If a matching video is found, copy that video’s image_src and transcript values to the resource’s image_src and content fields.
  • If a matching Video object is NOT found:
    • Find the course_embedded_media object with id of “Thumbnail-YouTube-JPG” and use its media_location as the image_src value.
    • If the transcript attribute of the object exists and use that (stripped of HTML via BeautifulSoup) for the content value.
    • If the content is still empty/null, find the course_embedded_media object with id of “.pdf". Use tika to retrieve (via `technical_location` url) and parse the contents and save to the `content` attribute.
  • The ContentFile will have a content_type of “video” and a file_type of “youtube”
  • If no Youtube video object is found, ignore the section and move on.

Security Considerations


Testing & Rollout

After running the get_ocw_files function, there should be new ContentFile objects for each Youtube video found. These new resources should also be in the OpenSearch index with populated image_src and content fields.