New Projects

When starting a new project, we have a baseline of what’s necessary from an infrastructure perspective. Here’s a checklist:

  • Do you have a README?
  • Can you run the tests for your code? Is that documented in the README?
  • Do you have docker setup for local development?
  • Do you have a LICENSE file?
  • Are the tests running on a CI server like Travis?
  • Do you have relevant linters setup for the languages you’re using?

READMEs for your project.

  • Does it include how to install the app?
  • Does it include how to run the tests?
  • Does it contain a build status or code coverage badge?
  • Does it link to relevant documents?
  • Does it mention the software license used?

For Django projects specifically..

  • Does it use the same database backend locally as it will in production?
  • Does it support both python 2.7 and either python 3.4 or 3.5 (pick one)?
  • Does it run pylint & pep8 as linters?