
Certain operations within Unified Ecommerce trigger events, and those events can send data to the relevant configured integrated systems.

The integrated system model has a field for a webhook URL. Data for all events are sent to this URL. The integrated system itself decides whether or not to take action on the data.


These are the events that are triggered:

Event (in UE)





Triggered when an item is added to the basket.



Triggered when an order has been completed successfully.



Triggered when an item has been refunded from a completed order.


The Event tracks the plugin hook spec that is called to generate the event.

Data Sent§

The event data is wrapped in a standard container (implemented in payments/serializers/v0 as the WebhookBase dataclass):

  • system_slug: the system slug for the data being sent

  • system_key: the shared key for the system

  • user: nested object containing user information

  • type: the event type (see table above)

  • data: event-specific data

Each system will only get the data that is relevant to itself, which will be indicated by the system_slug attribute. The system should verify the slug and key sent are valid, and emit a 401 error if they aren’t.

User data includes:

  • id: the ID of the purchaser (this is Unified Ecommerce’s ID)

  • username: the username of the purchaser (this will be a UUID corresponding to a Keycloak user)

  • email: the email address of the purchaser

  • first_name: the purchaser’s first name

  • last_name: the purchaser’s last name

The data attribute differs depending on what event is being sent.

For presale:

  • action: either “add” or “remove”

  • product: the product added or removed to the basket

For postsale:

  • reference_number: the reference number of the order. (Despite this saying “number” this is generally a string.)

  • total_price_paid: the total amount paid for the order, inclusive of any discounts and taxes assessed.

  • state: the state of the order. This should always be fulfilled.

  • lines: array of line items for the order

Line data includes:

  • id: an ID for the line item

  • quantity: quantity on order

  • item_description: description of the item

  • unit_price: the unit price (before tax/discounts) of the item

  • total_price: the amount charged for the item

  • product: the product

Product data includes (just relevant fields):

  • id: an ID for the product

  • sku: the product’s SKU. By convention, this should be the readable ID of the resource in the integrated system.

  • name: the product’s name

  • description: the product’s description

  • system_data: JSON; system-specific data. This is defined by the integrated system.

  • price: the base price of the product


The event system is built using Pluggy, REST framework serializers, and Celery tasks. The hookspecs listed in the table in Events have a hook implementation that queues a task to send the data to the target URL(s) without blocking the user.