
Creates courserun(s) in the system based on edX course data.

You can specify either a specific courserun to create, or you can specify a run tag (e.g. 1T2023) and a program (e.g. program-v1:MITx+DEDP), and the command will create courseruns for the courses that it finds in edX.

You can also optionally have it create a CMS page for the course, if one doesn’t already exist.

Furthermore, you can specify a price, and it will create (or update) product(s) for the courserun(s) with the specified price. Created products will use the readable ID for the courserun as the product description and will be made active depending on the courserun. This command will not update existing courseruns; only new ones that it creates will get products.

If the course does not exist, it will be created with the same data as the edX course. Any specified courserun that doesn’t exist in edX will be skipped - it won’t make empty course runs for you (use Django Admin or create_courseware if you want to do that, since you’ll need to specify a few things that you can’t here.) Similarly, any courserun that already exists will be skipped - sync_courserun, which runs on a regular basis, will handle syncing the pertinent data for it.

New courseruns will be created with the following data synced from the edX course_details API call: * Start and end dates * Enrollment start and end dates * Title * Pacing (self-paced or instructor-led) * Courseware URL (depends on the OPENEDX_API_BASE_URL configuration setting)

You may want to adjust these after they’re created.


To create an individual courserun:

import_courserun [--courserun <courserun>] [--program <program>] [--live] [--create-cms-page] [--price <price>]

To walk a program:

import_courserun [--program <program>] [--run-tag <run tag>] [--live] [--create-cms-page] [--price <price>]


  • --courserun <courserun> - The courserun to check for. Takes precedence over --program.

  • --program <program>
    • _If walking a program:_ The program to walk through. Requires --run_tag. Specify either the numeric database ID or the readable ID for the program.

    • _If creating a single courserun:_ The program the course should belong to, if any.

  • --run-tag <run tag> - The run tag to use for the new courseruns. Required for --program; don’t use otherwise.

  • --live - Make the course live. (Default is to set the flag to false.)

  • --create-cms-page - Attempt to create a basic CMS page for the course, in a similar fashion to create_courseware_page. If this fails (for instance, if the course already has a CMS page), this step will be skipped.

  • --price <price> - Create (or update) a product for the courserun with the specified price. If the command creates multiple courseruns, this will create a product for each.

  • --dept <department_name> - Specify department(s) assigned to the course object. If program is specified, all courses associated with the program and imported will have the same department.


The use case for this was creating a batch of course runs for an upcoming semester of DEDP courses; these courses existed in edX but not in MITx Online. Since in that case the semester was 1T2023, this command would have created all the applicable courseruns all at once: import_courserun --program program-v1:MITx+DEDP --run-tag 1T2023 --live --dept Economics

Or, the same but with the standard DEDP pricing applied: import_courserun --program program-v1:MITx+DEDP --run-tag 1T2023 --live --price 1000